Gurit (SIX Swiss Exchange: GUR) announces that it will split the business unit Composite Materials into Wind Materials and Marine & Industrial Materials. Lance Hill, currently Regional Sales Director for the Americas region, is promoted to General Manager Marine & Industrial Materials effective May 1, 2020. A search for the new General Manager Wind Materials position is in progress and will be announced in due time.
As the business nature of the Wind industry is different from the Marine and Industrial activities, Gurit has decided to divide its Business Unit Composite Materials. Both target market focused organisations will allow Gurit to further improve customer focus and support, which will enable stronger business growth. Both business units will continue to have access to the entire materials offering.
Lance Hill has joined Gurit in 2009 and is currently the Regional Director of Gurit Americas. Previously he held positions within the composites industry. Lance Hill is a British national and holds an MBA degree of the University of Birmingham. He will relocate from the US to Europe for his new role.
The Wind Materials Business Unit will be run by Rudolf Hadorn during the time when Stefan Gautschi will leave Gurit in June 2020 until the new General Manager Wind Materials is on board.