INOVYN retains Gold Merit Ecovadis rating

INOVYN has retained its Gold Merit status for the period 2019/2020 in a recent assessment of its Corporate Social Responsibility programme by Ecovadis. Ecovadis is recognised as one of the leading global independent assessors of environmental and labour practices, ethics and supplier sustainability. In this most recent assessment, INOVYN delivered a further 10% improvement in its overall score thanks to continued progress during 2019 towards making INOVYN fully sustainable.

In particular, INOVYN improved its score associated with environment and labour/human rights practices, putting it in the top 3% and 1% respectively for these categories of the 25,000 companies assessed. Overall, INOVYN is in the top 3% of all companies assessed within its industry group.

Comments Filipe Constant, Business Director for INOVYN: “Retention of our Gold Merit status is a clear indicator to our customers, suppliers and wider stakeholders of the excellent progress we continue to make in this increasingly important area.”