•Styrenics Circular Solutions welcomesIntraplás,food packaging specialist
•Forms part of SCS’drive to work together all along the value chainto fulfil the unique circularity capacity of polystyrene
Styrenics Circular Solutions(SCS), the value chaininitiative to increase the circularity of styrenic polymers, announced that Intraplás, Indústria Transformadora de Plásticos, S.A.joinsthe organisation.
Intraplás, based in Portugal, has over 50 years of experience in extrusion, thermoforming and printing in the packaging sector for the food industry, with a specialism in the dairy sector. They joinfellow SCS members, including COEXPAN, ELIX Polymers,Exiba, Greiner Packaging, INEOS Styrolution, Repsol, Tomra, Total, Trinseoand Versalis (Eni).
Nicolas Joly, President of SCS, extended a warm welcome to Intraplás: “We are delighted that SCS continues to extend its membership acrossthe value chain, as we are joined by a company with such a readiness and commitment to use recycled polystyrene in the materials they will offer to brand-owners. Intraplás will be a much-valued team member in our drive to fulfil polystyrene’s unique capacity for circularity.”
Anabela Ferreira,Co-owner and Executive Board member, Intraplás, said: “We are pleased to be part of this dynamic value chain coalition. We are strong advocates of polystyrene and the intrinsic qualities that allow it to be easily recycled, be it via mechanical recycling, dissolutionor depolymerisation, also to food contact standards. Our machines stand ready to work with recycled polystyreneassoon as it is availableso that we cansupply it to our customers.”About