In August of 2017 Coveris Rigid announced the development of a unique manufacturing technology for thin wall thermoformed containers focused on single serve Barrier PP-Cups, this technology is called „in-mold calibration“.Coveris Rigid has decided to commercialize this innovative thermoforming technology and install up to 2 billion in capacity of these cups in North America in 2018.
As previously announced, the development project team located at the Center for Development & Innovation (CDI) of Coveris Rigid packaging in Europe focused on an alternative to the single serve Barrier PS-Cups with a sustainable PP solution for the Northern American market. The new technology was developed as a 91-cavity thermoforming system with in-mold calibration and an annual capacity of up to 1billion single-serve Barrier PP-Cups per system.
Coveris Rigid anticipates the installation of the system(s) will begin in the coming months at a certified food safe facility in Northern America and will have the capacity available to coffee fillers by the fourth quarter of 2018.
Coveris Rigid is actively engaged in developing sustainable thermoforming solutions in Polypropylene for the European and North American market and has proven its expertise for complex PP thermoforming solutions in food and non-food product applications in different segments.
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